Gentle Cleansing Facial Water
A smooth and lightweight lotion that prepares the skin for the Nhuara Baret day and night treatments, leaving your face clean, fresh and silky.
Gentle cleansing lotion
Basic facial cleansing treatment that deeply moisturises and cleanses. What's more, it helps cell regeneration and protects the skin from external agents.
It's essential for preparing the skin to apply Nhuara Baret treatments. This results in optimal effectiveness.
Cosmecellular Technology
Our exclusive Cosmecellular technology promotes cell renewal, minimises pores and removes impurities. What's more, it inhibits free radicals and moisturises the cell core.
Skin problems
Improves the symptoms of skin conditions such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, eczema, acne, sunburn and skin changes due to the menopause.
Improves the protection, recovery and regeneration of tissues after cosmetic surgery operations such as facelifts, eye lifts, nose jobs, etc.
Improves the results of treatments such as peeling with acids (chemical), collagen induction therapy, HIFU (ultrasound), microdermabrasion, botulinum toxin infiltration, mesotherapy infiltration (hyaluronic acid, vitamins and others), fractional radiofrequency, etc.
*Apply after 48 hours.
Clinical results
FOITS TEST* - Fast optical in vivo topometry of human skin.
Rating after 28 days of application to the face and neck:

9 out of 10 people would swap their current cleansing lotion for Nhuara Baret Paris.
*clinical tests carried out on 80 people over a period of 28 days
Reasons to believe
- Ideal for preventing and treating skin conditions thanks to its powerful antiseptic action.
- Cleanses and exfoliates the dead cells of the epidermis and other impurities.
- Tones, oxygenates and activates the circulation of the skin.
- Maximum nutrition in the cell nucleus.
- Effectiveness scientifically proven by independent laboratories.
- Exclusive Cosmecellular technology combined with the Totum Vegetal.
- Smart Formulation (detection and solution of cellular problems).
- Suitable for all skin types.
How to apply
Step 1
Soak a cotton pad with the cleansing lotion.
Step 2
Apply around the cheeks and eyelids using downward and outward semicircular movements.
Step 3
Apply to the forehead and décolletage in circular motions.
Step 4
Apply to the neck area using downward movements.
Step 5
Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 until the cotton pad is completely white, which means that the area fully cleansed, free of impurities and ready for the day and night treatments.
Active ingredients
Full list of ingredients
A special aloe
My skin feels smooth, Aloe arborescens is amazing
Nice product
Love it
Very good odor
My skin feels so smooth after using this cleanser!!! I love the smell!!
Très bonne odeur
Ma peau est si douce après avoir utilisé ce nettoyant !!! j'adore l'odeur!!
Cleans in depth
My skin feels clean and soft after using. Removes make-up as well.
Limpia en profundidad
Siento mi piel limpia y suave después de usarlo. También desmaquilla.
A must have on my daily basis
I love this product. First of all, the smell is amazing. I can use this product everyday and it does not irritate my skin. One of the only products I use consistently!
Un imprescindible en mi rutina diaria
Me encanta este producto. En primer lugar, el olor es increíble. Puedo usar este producto todos los días y no me irrita la piel. ¡Uno de los únicos productos que uso constantemente!
Vey good product
I love this gentle cleanser that does not irritate my sensitive skin but leaves it feeling clean, refreshed, and soft
Producto muy bueno
Me encanta este limpiador suave que no irrita mi piel sensible pero la deja limpia, fresca y suave.
Unique aroma
Smells amazing and gentle enough to use daily!
Arôme unique
Odeur incroyable et assez douce pour être utilisée quotidiennement!
I love this cleanser! My skin feels so fresh & clean!
Lotion fraîche
J'adore ce nettoyant ! Ma peau est si fraîche et propre!
Cleans deeply and soothes
This cleanser leaves my face amazingly clean, super soft, and the smell is awesome! I use it daily. Great results!
Gründliche und sanfte Reinigung
Diese Reinigungslotion hinterlässt meine Gesichtshaut unglaublich sauber, super glatt und der Duft ist fantastisch! Ich benutze sie täglich. Gute Ergebnisse!
Love it
Love the cleanser. Face feels clean, yet moisturized when I use it.
Liebe es
Ich liebe die Reinigungslotion. Wenn ich sie benutze, wird mein Gesicht mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und sie verleiht ihm ein Frischegefühl.
Clean feeling
I use this Cleanser daily and gives my skin a clear, clean look and feeling
Sensación de limpieza
Uso este limpiador a diario y le da a mi piel una apariencia y una sensación limpia.
Good feeling
Highly recommended
I have very sensitive skin and this is amazing!
Muy recomendable
Tengo la piel muy sensible y es ¡Increíble!
It cleans and hydrates. Very good.
I have normal skin type. Leaves my skin very smooth and yet hydrated.
Mein Lieblingsprodukt für meine tägliche Reinigung
Meine Lieblings-Reinigungslotion! Dank dem kleinen Spenderkopf, wird nichts verschwendet.
It helped me with my oily skin. It has regulate my PH. Great product!
Me ayudó con mi piel grasa. Me reguló el PH. Producto Excelente.
It refreshes and soothes, comforting
Love the smell (very energizing and good for the morning) and makes my face feel so soft and smooth after.
Refresca y suaviza, reconfortante
Me encanta el olor (muy energizante y bueno para la mañana) y hace que sienta mi cara muy suave y tersa después.
Love it
Love the feel it gives my skin!
¡Me encanta la sensación que le da a mi piel!
Excellent to get rid of acne
Great for getting rid of acne. I really like this lotion.
Excellent pour faire disparaître l'acné
Idéal pour se débarrasser de l'acné. J'aime beaucoup cette lotion.
No rinse, moisturizes, refreshing and good smell
It was weird to read that it doesn't have to be rinse but after using it I realice why, 'cause leaves the skin soft, refresh and calm even if I do not use a moisturizer I feel my skin soft and hydrated. Amazing and highly recommended!
Sin aclarado, hidratante, refrescante y buen olor
Se me hizo raro leer que no hay que aclarar pero después de usarlo me doy cuenta porque, deja la piel suave, refresca y calma aunque no uso hidratante siento mi piel suave e hidratada. ¡Increíble y muy recomendable!
Refreshing and moisturizing feeling
After using this face cleanser my face felt more fresh and clean. This product is super gentle on my face. It’s non irritating and non drying. I would most definitely recommend this product.
Frisches und gepflegtes Hautgefühl
Nach der Anwendung dieses Gesichtsreinigers ist meine Haut frischer und reiner. Das Produkt ist super sanft zum Gesicht. Es reizt weder die Haut noch trocknet es sie aus. Ich würde dieses Produkt auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.
My favorite product for my daily cleaning
Favorite cleanser! small application so no waste.
Mon produit préféré pour mon nettoyage quotidien
Nettoyant préféré ! petite application donc pas de gaspillage.
Essential on my daily basis.
I was very surprised, I could finally treat my acne with this product, besides it soothes very much the skin on sensitives areas.
Imprescindible en mi día a día.
Me sorprendió mucho, conseguí tratar el acné con este producto y además me calma mucho la piel en las zonas que tengo más sensible.
A great product and nice for the skin
Soothes the skin and prevents pores obstruction, also non-greasy
Ein sehr gutes hautverträgliches Produkt
Hautglättend und keine Verstopfung der Poren, sowie Oil free.
Why people choose us
- Our formulas have been developed by experts in pharmacognosy.
- We blend the Aloe Arborescens fresh gel with the most effective plant oils and extracts.
- We always apply the Totum Vegetal concept.
- We apply the innovative Smart Formulation.
- We use green chemistry.
- Efficacy proven by the FOITS method.

Discover the Cosmecellular concept.
This is how we create the best treatment for your skin.